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A Healthy Result

How thinking creatively secured high value, engaging sessions for my colleagues at our workplace.

Kat Anderton

Interests: Creativity

An Old School Negotiation

How I used relationship building and getting my number down first to negotiate my school fees.

Kat Anderton

Interests: Creativity

My Son The Negotiator

How my son out-negotiated me and taught me the importance of clarifying exactly what your proposed deal is.

Angelique Hathaway

Interests: Creativity

All I Want For Christmas

A husband and wife successfully negotiate their holiday traditions by recognising those variables that are high value/low cost.

Freddy Burgess

Interests: Collaborative

Seeing The Big Picture

When the value of what you're negotiating goes far beyond price, your long term relationship with it should be considered.

Katherine Edgecombe

Interests: Collaborative

A Bicycle Made for One

How thinking creatively about what was high value to both parties resulted in a successful win win and I got the bike of my dreams.

Tamara Hodgson

Interests: Creativity, Collaborative

Putting up the Shutters

How using "the Columbo move" to negotiate for some new window shutters helped me achieve additional value.

Vince Brook

Interests: Variables, Execution

A Smooth As Silk Negotiation

My wife was delighted with the price she bartered for in a Bangkok market...but there was a twist in the tale.

Tim Billson

Interests: Competitive

Getting The Picture

I managed my discomfort and didn't budge from my price in a distributive negotiation for holiday pictures of myself and my son.

Makayla Mundle

Interests: Competitive